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Legs, Biceps
Choose TWO of the following:
Barbell Squat (15, 12, 10-12, 9-12)
Machine Squat (15-20, 15, 12-15, 10-15 + 5-10 partials)
- Hack Squat, V-Squat, Smith Machine Squat, Belt Squat
Leg Press (15-20, 15, 12-15, 10-15 + 5-10 partials)
Then do the following accessories (15-20, 12-15, 10-12):
- Adductor Machine
- Hip Trust / Abductor Machine
- Barbell / Dumbbell Curl
- Leg Extension
- Leg Curl
- Seated Incline Dumbbell Curls
- Calf Raise